Photo from Leonard (21.01.2004)
Thanks for the reply to try to sort out what would be the correct last name. I have attached the picture of my grandfather’s niece and also the message she wrote on the back. I’m not sure where the lady lived when she sent the picture but grandfather lived near Kacznowo, not far from Wrzesna when he left Poland to come to Manitoba, Canada in 1906.
Thanks Leonard
Dear Leonard,
I’m happy I was ready to uncover that your family name from Poland was, with analyzing the given with his photo as invaluable family memento, family surname “Gmyrkówna” [Gmyrkowna], with the Polish language and tradition was Gmyrek!
The other correspondence re this point is given with the another place of the gallery GA.PA, thank you!
With the most cordial greetings,
Tad Tadeusz Wysocki, and his Narodowa – National GA.PA – The Virtual Gallery of Collective Memory and Imagination – – – version in English – please click on top of the every page on the English flag,
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